Short Story

Krish, a young innovator, has got the opportunity to exhibit “Customer service chatbot with sentiment analysis“, his creation, to a live audience of 1500, including world-class entrepreneurs, leaders, and investors at the upcoming MoonBattle Conference 2024 in Milpitas. He will showcase “Customer service chatbot with sentiment analysis” in the Show and Tell Competition.



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By  Krish

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Project Name: Customer service chatbot with sentiment analysis
Team Member: Krish
Program: Show n Tell
More Information:
Krish, a young innovator, has got the opportunity to exhibit "Customer service chatbot with sentiment analysis", his creation, to a live audience of 1500, including world-class entrepreneurs, leaders, and investors at the upcoming MoonBattle Conference 2024 in Milpitas. He will showcase "Customer service chatbot with sentiment analysis" in the Show and Tell Competition.    


Congratulations to Krish for designing “Customer service chatbot with sentiment analysis
being part of the upcoming
MoonBattle Conference 2024 in Milpitas, Silicon Valley


My project uses sentiment analysis to generate a response based on the sentiment of the user after answering a question/prompt given by the computer. It generates a polarity score based on the user’s response that determines the sentiment. The score ranges from -1 to +1 and is generated with the help of python’s Textblob library.

My project makes customer service effortless, powered by sentiment analysis to detect the mood of the user, and then generate a response accordingly. My program chooses from a pool of questions such as “Have you shopped with us before? If yes, what was your previous experience?” and  “Were you able to find everything that you were looking for?”, and then takes an answer from the user. Once the answer has been provided, a sentiment score ranging from -1 to +1 is generated (lower scores indicate sad and angry emotions and vice versa). After the score is generated, the program selects a response to output accordingly. To conclude, we can harness the power of sentiment analysis to greatly improve customer service.



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  • Develop a chatbot to automatically analyze user feedback and generate appropriate responses using natural language processing.
  • Provide a tool to streamline communication processes and improve customer satisfaction by efficiently addressing user concerns and inquiries.


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