Moonpreneur's Innovator Program offers students (age 8-15) a holistic learning experience and a unique blend of Technical Skills, Power Skills, and Math Skills with streams such as Robotics, Game Development, App Development, Advanced Math, and Book Writing & Publishing.

At Moonpreneur "POWER SKILLS" becomes a combination of 'Soft Skills' and 'Hard Skills' woven together to create a highly potent program that promises higher engagement, knowledge, and learning. This highly refined program deep dives into the future and unravels the skills needed in the future by your kids.

$149/month $89/month


Moonpreneur's Power Skills program is a step toward creating multifaceted personalities adept at skills like Moonpreneur: Numbers and Finance, Graphics Design, Video Creation, Presentation & Communication Skills, Creative Writing, Numbers and Finance (Intro to Excel), Online Marketing, Team Building, What is Your Big Idea?, Design Thinking & Prototyping, Business Plan Preparation, as well as, Pitch Preparation (MoonBattle Competition). Acquiring such valuable and powerful skills at a young age will give children much-required wisdom to excel in various situations whether professional or personal with confidence in the later stages of their lives.

$149/month $89/month
Presentation and Communication

Great leaders have unquestionable Presentation and Communication skills. At Moonpreneur we impart Presentation and Communication skills in one of the most impactful ways possible.

Team Building

Team Building Skill is seen as one of the valuable skills in individuals who want to excel in their careers thus Moonpreneur has brought this into its fold by incorporating this skill in our Power Skills Program.

Moonpreneur: Numbers and Finance

Imparting Financial Literacy to children is the vision of Moonpreneur and we aim to continue doing so in our Power Skills Sessions.

What is Your Big Idea?

An idea is the seed of many innovations. Imparting the knowledge of Idea Generation through Moonpreneur's Power Skills in children will build future entrepreneurs who will lead the world.

Design Thinking & Prototyping

Design thinking is a skill used for practical and creative problem-solving. This skill is will prove to be an essential one in the future workforce and we at Moonpreneur realize the necessity to impart this skill through our Power Skill Program.

Online Marketing

In the age of advancing technology and social media learning the skill of online marketing at a young age will definitely open up a bundle of opportunities in the future and thus we impart this skill through our Power Skills Program.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Boom has brought out a new arena of marketing, and thus learning about Social Media Marketing through our Power Skills Program is bound to help children in their future ventures and endeavor.

Creative Writing

Learning a skill like Creative Writing is difficult but once it is wisely imparted it can channel the imagination powers a child’s mind possesses to make it a reality. Our Power Skill Program is designed to help children gain this unique soft skill.

Video Creation

The world of videos has evolved with the rapid evolution of social media and today learning Video Creation through our Power Skill Program can prove to be a valuable skill that will be helpful for children in the oncoming future workforce.

Graphics Designing

Graphic Designing is a skill that projects ideas and experiences with visual and textual content. Industry 4.0 is gearing up to utilize this skillset and we at Moonpreneur have geared up with our Power Skill Program to impart this skillset to our young learners.

Numbers and Finance (Intro to Excel)

Thorough knowledge of Excel helps a person in managing the world of numbers and finance. Moonpreneur is giving emphasis on a skill that has gained the utmost importance in the corporate world and will be helpful for children in gaining an edge over their peers.

Business Plan Preparation

The world of Entrepreneurship has many tests and one of them successfully preparing a business plan in order to communicate and formulate a successful business venture. Moonpreneur believes that learning this skill at a young age is immensely beneficial for our future young Entrepreneurs.

Pitch Preparation (MoonBattle Competition)

Pitch Preparation is one of the means through which one conveys their business ideas and plans to investors. Moonpreneur believes that every kid is a future Entrepreneur and thus we diligently work towards imparting this skill. This skill is then tested at the MoonBattle competition, a space of immense visionary ideas that are developed and presented by kids to a global jury.

Plans & Pricing


1 Month

6 Months

12 Months

Sessions 4 Sessions 24 sessions 48 sessions
Pricing $149 $89 $599 $399 $999 $599
Enroll Now Enroll Now Enroll Now

*Power skills sessions are conducted with a large group of students for a better
experience while Tech Sessions are a small batch/cohort of students.


Take a sneak peek into one of our sessions to gain an understanding of the
meticulously designed Power Skills Sessions and how each session and skill taught
will help in molding a student into an individual with multiple skillsets at hand.

Public Speaking is an art and our instructor teaches young minds the secret to conquering one's fears and becoming a confident person on the stage, thus mastering the art of Public Speaking.

Captivate your child's mind and engage with them in the ultimate business game 'The Moonpreneur Board'. The game not only involves the kids in its tricky gameplay but also promotes financial literacy among the young budding entrepreneurs of the future.

Children are filled with curiosity, and so is our little genius Arham. This short candid teacher-student conversation will give you an insight into Moonpreneur's effort towards making our students understand even tricky topics like markets and currencies.

Moonpreneur's holistic approach not only promotes STEM learning but also teaches how to apply that learning to creating Innovative Products and marketing them successfully to earn the fruits of one's labour.


Moonpreneur's Power Skills Program offers you to take a step into the future by learning several new skills in one place. Skills such as Graphic Design, Video Creation, and Online marketing along with learning effective presentation and communication skills and much more.


Our Power Skill Program offers you various long-term advantages one of them being that all the power skills are being taught by experts and we at Moonpreneur ensure these skills help in shaping future leaders who would be capable enough to lead in various fields with confidence.


Power Skills Program has been designed by experts at Moonpreneur to help students in imbibing skills that will assist in their growth by instilling a sense of confidence and leadership qualities which will become a potent formula for future success.


Parents are our greatest motivators and their praises served as fuel for us to develop an advanced Power Skills Program that assists their young ones to develop better logical-critical-analytical thinking which makes their future journey easier and more successful.