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    Affiliate Marketing: Understanding Customer’s Pain Points




    Customer Pain Points

    If we look at things simply, what the entire world is seeking is to reduce their pain and stimulate happiness. When we hurt ourselves physically, we can easily visit a doctor and get the necessary treatment. However, when it comes to e-commerce and marketing, we usually have a lot of unmet needs, and what we do is we end up buying products. 

    To become a successful affiliate marketer, you need to understand your customers. What do they like? what ticks them off? Affiliate marketing is all about understanding your customers pain points and taking steps to deal with them. 

    These unmet needs are our pain points. If you’re an online store, you’re acting as your customer’s doctor. Your store is the market or hospital and it’s fair to say your staff are the nurses and a helping hand. 

    Just like there are many physical ailments, each requiring specialized treatment. Similarly, there are many customer pain points, each demanding a specialized form of remedy. 

    Let’s say someone is extremely fond of pomegranates, but he doesn’t like to peel them, or it’s simply too much hard work for him to carry out that activity, then that becomes his pain point. 

    For example, your kid is an electronics enthusiast and in particular, he likes to watch a lot of videos on soldering. However, he’s someone who wouldn’t make the effort to check out the resources available with which he can solder easily. You find out that there’s a company named Moonpreneur, which is offering a Soldering Practice Kit, a fun and educational activity with which your child can learn soldering with much ease. Then what you do is you visit Moonpreneur and go to their store to buy the kit. Finally, there it is! Your child is now learning and experimenting on something he loves. 

    Marketers speak a lot about pain points. It is important for companies to recognize their customers’ pain points. Sometimes, simply acknowledging the existence of pain points can lead to entirely new products. So, as an affiliate marketer, how can you position your company as a potential solution, and how to overcome some of the most common customer pain points?

    First of all, let’s discuss what are customer pain points and their types. 

    What are Customer Pain Points?

    In simple words, customer pain points are a specific problem that the prospective customers of your business experience in the marketplace. You can basically refer to pain points as problems. 

    Of course, a customer’s journey in the market is always fluctuating, therefore, every customer tends to develop a diverse range of pain points, and to recognize all of them for a company is often an uphill task. 

    Each pain point refers to a specific problem. There are many outdated solutions to these but to identify the best solution, it is best for businesses to study each type of customer pain point. 

    So, let’s throw some light on the types of customer pain points. 

    Types of Customer Pain Points 

    There are 4 major pain point types – 

        1. Financial Pain Points

    This type of pain points implies that your prospects are spending too much money on their current provider/products and they want to reduce their spend. Most of the customers overpay highly for the products that they use, which leads to financial distress. Financial pain points mainly include problems that customers face regarding money:

    • Subscription plans and membership fees
    • Low-life expectancy of the product primarily made to last a significant length of time
    • The high cost of repeat purchases

    How to relieve Financial Pain Points?

    First of all, try to listen to your customers. Find out where they’re spending their money in excess. Moreover, if you think that having the lowest prices is your best bet, then that is certainly not the case. What you can try is to convince your customer that spending more money now will save your customer later.

    The market is competitive, so break down the costs of your products and the customers’ purchases in comparison with the other products, and explain how long it will take for your item to pay for itself. 

    Another important thing is the quality and value that product or service will bring in. For example, affiliate marketers are using Moonpreneur’s affiliate program to ensure that their audience is not only receiving the best course/training when it comes to education but also value is there for the money.

        2. Productivity Pain Points 

    Productivity pain points include problems that customers face regarding everyday tasks and it hinders their ability to perform in an optimized way. They might be facing problems such as: 

    • Lack of productivity 
    • Lack of convenience 
    • Lack of comfort 

    How to Relieve Productivity Pain Points?

    While you’re trying to address and relieve customers of these pain points, your best strategy is to show them how your product will resolve their everyday problems. Place your products in real-life situations by using images and product description. Elaborate on how your product will make their lives more convenient.

        3. Process Pain Points 

    Process pain points imply that your business, their system and the sub-optimal process is creating a problem/pain point for the buyers. Your customers are actively looking to improve the internal processes such as assigning leads to sales representatives or nurturing lower-priority leads. 

    Customers are seeking ease and convenience, and it will not take much for them to switch to another company if you fail to provide them with the same. 

    How to Relieve Process Pain Points?

    Process pain points may not be obvious to many businesses, but if you’re able to unearth them, ask your prospect to ideate a system or a department that is best suited for your customers and what difference would it make. 

    What you can also do is mention current/planned integrations with existing products/services. Brands need to ensure that they meet their customers’ queries faster and connect them to the right department.

         4. Support Pain Points

    Customer support is one of the most essential elements of a business. These types of pain points highlight the fact that your customers aren’t really getting the kind of support they need at critical stages of their shopping journey or sales process. 

    You don’t want to turn away your customer by giving half-hearted knowledge to their inquiries and impersonal support experience. Some common support issues are:

    • Lack of product knowledge 
    • Delayed response
    • Not available on customer’s preferred channel 

    How to Relieve Support Pain Points?

    Make sure to enable personalization services and smart support routing. Help your customers in real-time by using digital engagement tools like chat, co-browsing and AI chatbots. Another thing you can do is make your customer feel like a partner; use language such as “we”, us,” etc. while addressing them.

    Now that we understand what customer pain points are, we need to know how to identify them. Let’s mention some very important points that would help you in identifying customers’ pain points while doing affiliate marketing.

    How to Identify Customer Pain Points?

    • Conduct qualitative customer research
    • Conduct qualitative market research 
    • Talk to sales and support teams 
    • Addressing customer pain points in social ads 
    • Addressing customer pain points in landing pages
    • Address common pain points that require little effort 
    • Offer clarity and transparency to your customers 
    • Ask open-ended questions to identify customer pain points 

    In a Nutshell 

    All in all, if you want to win in the market and rise above the rest, you need to cross the hurdle in building strong customer relationships. Your ability to discover, identify and solve customer pain points will put you ahead in the game. Always remember, the customer pain points are extremely diverse and may vary from customer to customer. 

    Hence, it is important for you to listen and personalize your solution to each customer. So, dive into your customers’ minds now, identify their pain points and bring the best solutions to them. Help them achieve what they want to achieve.  

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    Moonpreneur is an ed-tech company that imparts tech entrepreneurship to children aged 7 to 16. Its flagship offering, the Innovator Program, offers students a holistic learning experience that blends Technical Skills, Power Skills, and Entrepreneurial Skills with streams such as Robotics, Game Development, App Development, Advanced Math, and Book Writing & Publishing.
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