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Math Quiz
For Grade 5

Answer the below-given Math Questions.
To unlock a special gift at the end!!


A variable is a letter that represents an unknown number. It is often used in math to represent a number that can change. Variables is an important math concept that students need to master in order to succeed in higher-level math courses. 

Good luck with the math quiz on Variables below! But before that let’s read a fun story.

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Alice who was learning about variables in school. Alice was a bright student, but she was struggling to understand the concept.

One day, Alice was sitting in her bedroom trying to do her variables homework when she fell asleep. When she woke up, she found herself in a strange land.

Alice was surrounded by strange creatures called Variables. The Variables were all different shapes and sizes, and they were all talking and laughing.

“Hello,” said Alice. “Where am I?”

“You are in the Land of Variables,” said a large Variable with a friendly smile. “I am the Variable Queen. What brings you to my land?”

“I’m here to learn about variables,” said Alice. “But I’m having a hard time understanding them.”

“Don’t worry,” said the Variable Queen. “I can help you. Just follow me.”

The Variable Queen led Alice on a tour of the Land of Variables. She showed Alice the Algebra Forest, the Equation Mountains, and the Calculus Swamp. She also showed Alice the different types of Variables, such as Number Variables, Letter Variables, and Function Variables.

Learn More
  • Q-1
  • Express the result of subtracting ‘l’ from 68.


  • Q-2
  • Provide an expression for adding ‘b’ to 109.

  • Q-3
  •  What’s the expression for increasing ‘u’ by 61?


  • Q-4
  • Write down the expression for subtracting 381 from ‘a’.

  • Q-5
  • Which of the following shapes has all sides of equal length?


  • Q-6
  • Give an expression for subtracting four times ‘x’ from 7.


  • Q-7
  • What’s the expression for reducing 50 from 9 times ‘q’?


  • Q-8
  • Express the sum of 5 times ‘w’ and 42.

    Place Value

  • Q-9
  •  If Thomas has ‘p’ cookies and Landon has 58 fewer cookies than Thomas, what is the expression for the number of cookies Landon has?.

  • Q-10
  •  If there were 61 frogs in a pond and ‘f’ of them hopped away, what’s the expression for the remaining frogs in the pond?


As they toured the land, the Variable Queen explained to Alice how variables work. She explained that variables are used to represent unknown numbers in math equations. For example, in the equation x + 5 = 10, the variable x represents the unknown number.

Alice listened carefully to the Variable Queen’s explanations. She began to understand the concept of variables much better.

“Thank you for helping me, Variable Queen,” said Alice. “I now understand variables much better.”

“You’re welcome,” said the Variable Queen. “Now go forth and use your knowledge to solve the world’s most challenging math problems!”

Alice woke up from her dream and rushed to her homework. She was now able to complete her variable homework with ease. She also helped her classmates to understand variables.

Alice was grateful to the Variable Queen for teaching her about variables. She knew that this important math concept would help her to succeed in school and in life.

Moral of the story: Learning about math concepts can be fun and rewarding. By taking the time to understand variables, Alice was able to improve her math skills and become a more confident learner




    Moonpreneur has curated a set of quiz questions, especially for 5th Graders. It gets more interesting as we have a special prize at the end for everyone whether you answer all questions correctly or not. This quiz covers the topics such as addition, multiplication, word problem, measurement, decimals, and much more.

    Take the Math quiz and unleash the hidden Mathematician in you!!