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Math Quiz
For Grade 4

Answer the below-given Math Questions.
To unlock a special gift at the end!!

Place Value

Place value is an important concept in math. It helps us understand the meaning of each digit in a number, and it is essential for many different math operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

In this math quiz, you will be tested on your knowledge of place value up to ten thousand places. You will be asked questions about identifying the place value of each digit in a number, comparing numbers by place value, and rounding numbers to different place values.

Here are some examples of place value questions:

What is the place value of the 5 in the number 56,231?

Which number is greater: 12,345 or 23,451?

Round the number 78.9 to the nearest hundred.

Our math quiz will test your understanding of place value concepts at a Grade 4 level. But before that let’s read a fun story. 

Emma, a curious girl from Mathlandia, loved numbers and puzzles. One day, she found an old book with tricky number puzzles. The first one was 6-8-2 = ?.

Learn More
  • Q-1
  • What is the three-digit number where the ones place value is 2 less than 10, the tens place value is the sum of 3 and 3, and the hundreds place value is the smallest single digit number?

    Place value

  • Q-2
  • Two numbers have a product of 132. The product of their units digits is 2, and the product of their tens digits is What are the two numbers?


  • Q-3
  • What is the Place Value of 8 in the number 85612?

  • Q-4
  • Place value

  • Q-5
  • What is the two-digit multiple of 5 that is less than 100 and has digits that are 1 apart?

    Place value

  • Q-6
  • What is the value of the digit in red: 6792

  • Q-7
  • What is the number shown here?

    Place value

  • Q-8
  • What is the number with 8 in the tens place, 5 in the hundreds place, and 2 in the ones place?

  • Q-9
  • Which of the following numbers has the first 6 ten times more than the second 6?Place value

  • Q-10
  • I have an 8 in the Tens place. My Hundreds place digit is half of my tens place digit.  I have a 2 in the Ones place. What number am I?

    Place value



Emma knew it wasn’t regular subtraction. It was about the order of the numbers. She figured out that 6 meant hundreds, 8 meant tens, and 2 meant ones. So, she rearranged them and got 3-1-2.

Emma got really good at these puzzles. She solved them all, impressing everyone in her village.

Then, one day, she found a super hard puzzle. It looked like a bunch of random numbers. But Emma didn’t give up. After a lot of thinking, she saw the pattern and solved it.

Word got to Professor Fibonacci, the smartest math person around. He asked Emma to study math with him. They became an amazing team, discovering even cooler math secrets.

And from that day on, Emma’s love for numbers and puzzles made her a legend in Mathlandia. She inspired other kids to see the magic in math too.




    Moonpreneur has curated a set of quiz questions, especially for 4th Graders. It gets more interesting as we have a special prize at the end for everyone whether you answer all questions correctly or not. This quiz covers the topics such as addition, multiplication, word problem, measurement, decimals, and much more.

    Take the Math quiz and unleash the hidden Mathematician in you!!