Short Story

Smart Light Bulb is a multifunctional and a multipurpose lighting solution that is a combination of both LEDs and light bulbs. It not only looks cool as a room decoration, especially for gamers, but can make love easier for the user as well. This 3-in-1 Smart Light Bulb can be remotely operated, detects motion and sound to automatically turn on or off that helps save time, energy, and money.

3 in 1 Smart Light Bulb

Los Angeles, Calfornia, United States (US)

Smart Light Bulb: Multipurpose sustainable lighting solution

$165.00 Pledged
3 Backers
0 Days Left
Goal: $300.00
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By Carol
2 Campaigns | 5

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Where Did This Project Come From?

The idea of making a smart light bulb struck me when I was playing with my LED lights and lights in my room. I had to go all the way across my room just to turn off both the lights! They were both in different places, by the way. As I was thinking about this problem, I realized how great it would be if I could combine the two and make automatic switches! This would make my life so much easier and I can play tricks on my friends.

Smart Light Bulb Idea

How is it Solving This Problem?

This is solving the problem as instead of having to manually put up the LED light strips, we can just screw the light bulb onto the ceiling. It will save so much time and we won’t get neck aches from looking up for so long! It changes colors. It also solves the problem of saving electricity, meaning that whenever there is no movement in the room, it’ll turn off automatically. Our parents won’t have to remind us all the time to turn the lights off. Not only that, it makes our lives easier because it is a combination of both LEDs and light bulbs essentially making it a 3-in-1.

Multipurpose Lighting Solution

Why Do You Care?

I want to make everyone’s lives easier and I love LEDs so I thought why not make something that would improve light bulbs and turn them into multifunctional LEDs!
Everyone loves LEDs and multifunctional ones are even cooler!

Why Are You Creating This?

I am creating this to make our lives simpler. Now, not only do we get to enjoy the beautiful LEDs, but they also have multiple functions that will save us time and energy!

Who Will This Product Benefit Most?

Who doesn’t like cool LEDs? The kind of RGB lights that make teenage gamers smile. Its cool functions and disco mode make gaming or even anything so much more enjoyable. With my new project, it will be gaming at a whole other level. The sensors in it will make life easier. It has motion-detecting sensors and sound detecting sensors which means that at the sound of a clap, your light will turn on!

Smart light bulb benefits

What Makes Your Product Unique?

If we could combine LEDs and light bulbs, we could make the most epic creation, a LED light bulb that would combine the features of both the lights and improve upon them. This product is better than my competitors because it has multiple features in one and can make someone’s life a lot easier. It has different sensors and controls. It is a combination of a light bulb and LED lights that make it better than most light bulbs/LEDs.

Why Do You Want it to Be on a Crowdfunding Platform?

I want my product to be on a crowdfunding platform so that more people are aware of the release of this amazing 3-in-1 LED light bulb that will make everyone happy and help me raise enough funds so that I can start the production of this product. By helping me reach my goal and raising enough money, they can get their 3-in-1 LED light bulb that will make their lives so much simpler!

What are the Features of the Smart Light?

  • Color of light can be changed with an IR remote.
  • Brightness of light can be changed with an IR remote.
  • Turning the light ON and OFF after sensing the sound and motion.
  • Changing the mode of operation to fade-in fadeout with IR remote.

Smart light bulb features

What are the Components of the Smart Light?

Smart Light has the following components:

  • Arduino Nano board
  • PIR sensor
  • Microphone sensor
  • 16-pixel Neopixel ring, 
  • Power source, 
  • Light enclosure
  •  IR remote

Smart Light Bulb components

What’s in the Box? (Product Specifications)

Inside the box, I am going to have the light bulb, instructions, and a remote.

Smart light bulb components

About the Creator

Hello! I am Carol Yan, an 8th grader. I love to read and play golf. I love to play the piano. I also like engineering and because of that, I constantly have ideas for inventions to make the world a better place!

About the author


Early Bird - One unit of Smart LED light bulb
September, 2022
Estimated Delivery
1 backers
4 rewards left
Campaign already completed.
One unit of Smart LED light bulb
September, 2022
Estimated Delivery
0 backers
10 rewards left
Campaign already completed.
Early Bird - 2 units of Smart LED light bulb
September, 2022
Estimated Delivery
2 backers
3 rewards left
Campaign already completed.
2 units of Smart LED light bulb
September, 2022
Estimated Delivery
0 backers
10 rewards left
Campaign already completed.


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