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Category: General

how to get good ideas
I’m not good at these

ideas are things that come to you after thinking for example Elon Musk wanted to change the world so at a young an idea just came to him ” I want to make a self-driving car”(which was electric) ok before we do an idea brainstorm I need to tell you something most business ideas are solutions to world problems like pollution then electric cars came thanks to Elon. so idea brainstorm time I’ll even do it with you ok problem: it’s raining you have a lot of stuff to carry so you cant bring your umbrella what do you do. Solution: get your backpack put some stuff in there then open your umbrella and put the handle in the water bottle pouch on the side so it is in place and you don’t have to hold it do you get it now. ideas are solutions to problems that you come up with so technically you don’t need my help to get an idea I was just getting you started so are you ready to be the next big thing ok so stop reading and do it!

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