Join the Robot Revolution! Hands-On Robotics for Curious Minds." From gears to gadgets, let’s turn imagination into innovation.
Robotics presents children with challenges, pushing them to engage in critical thinking and devise innovative solutions.
Kids can design, build, and program robots, which stimulates their imagination and creativity.
Children learn coding with robotics, which is an essential skill in today's digital Al world.
Robotics for kids involves collaboration, helping them to develop better communication and teamwork abilities.
Robotics presents children with challenges, pushing them to engage in critical thinking and devise innovative solutions.
Blend of Technical, Soft, and Entrepreneurial Skills, Teaches technical, soft, and business skills for a well-rounded mindset.
Learn by Doing Engages kids through fun, practical projects that reinforce learning.
Prepares kids with tech and innovation skills for tomorrow’s careers.
Experiential &
Project-based Learning
Curriculum as per
Age group
Live (Virtual)
Instructor-Led Sessions
Multiple Learning
At the end of this online robotics course, your child will be able to solve real-world problems using the technical knowledge of robotics along with entrepreneurial and creative thinking.
1.5 hrs/week - Tech Session
1.5 hrs/month -Power Skills
Hourly Pricing (Effective) $13.8/hr
Instructor Led session
As a part of the program, you will receive additional learning material that further solidifies your learning experience and helps in acquiring knowledge about robotics. The learning material also includes Moonpreneur, which is an educational board game that has helped hundreds of children gain financial literacy and stimulate an entrepreneurial mindset in a fun way.
Follow the inspiring journeys of our Moonpreneurs as they innovate and launch their businesses. Witness the creativity, determination, and success of individuals turning their entrepreneurial dreams into reality, highlighting the latest trends in business and innovation.
Enhance your entrepreneurial mindset and soft skills with our specialized programs. These videos showcase success stories and practical outcomes, illustrating how our training helps individuals excel in business and leadership roles, incorporating the latest trends and innovations in entrepreneurship and personal development.
Moonpreneur focuses on experiential learning because it allows children to feel, observe the process, and build an understanding of the concepts involved in turning ideas into products.
The initial stage, which is nine months long, focuses on inculcating technical skills. Children learn and understand the technical aspects while using the Tinkercard Simulator. Next, they move on to the Embedded Learner Board and Arduino Uno, which introduces them to other components involved in building a project. The process piques the interest of children.
Prototyping is a three-month-long learning process that engages children in deep learning. In this stage, Moonpreneur provides additional learning kits to children.
The kit can help them create several things and teach them how to apply Design Thinking. Design Thinking is a five-stage process. It helps children learn to empathize with the customer, dentify the problem, ideate, create a prototype, and test it. The most exciting part is that the prototype designed by your child will be developed into a marketable product.
At Moonpreneur, "POWER SKILLS" blend soft and hard skills to create an engaging, future-ready program for children.
Team Building: We foster collaboration, communication, and goal-oriented teamwork.
Design Thinking
Children learn the five-step process (empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test) to solve problems creatively.
Business Plan Preparation: We teach kids how to develop and present business plans to a global audience.
MoonBattle is a flagship competition organized by Moonpreneur for students aged 7-18 years as part of its Innovator Program. It aims to provide project-based learning and leadership training to students. The competition requires students to work in teams and develop innovative projects. Teams pitch their projects to a global jury of angel investors, successful entrepreneurs, and subject matter experts. MoonBattle provides students with valuable experience in critical thinking, problem-solving, leadership, and exposure to innovation.
©️ Copyright, Moonpreneur Inc.
3031 Tisch Way, 110 Plaza West PMB # 138, San Jose, CA 95128, USA