We prepare children for the future workplace by teaching them futuristic skills such as AI/ML, Robotics, and Apps Enabling Entrepreneurship. Step into the Future Today Start Your Initiative!



The future of work is about what jobs will be needed, what kind of work
people will do, and the skills they'll need for those jobs.

Which sector will
generate the jobs?

Job growth will concentrated in high-skill jobs.
Examples: Healthcare or science, technology, engineering, and math-STEM fields.
Middle and low-skill jobs will decline.
Examples: Foodservice, production work, or office support roles

Jobs that may experience more growth

Warehouse Workers

The rise of e-commerce created a demand for warehouse workers.

Nurses, Home Health Aides, and Hearing-aid Technicians

Aging populations in many advanced economies will increase demand for nurses, home health aides, and hearing-aid technicians.

Wind Turbine Technicians

Investments in the green economy could increase the need for wind turbine technicians.

Teachers and training instructors

They will continue to find work over the coming decade.

Jobs At Risk

Clerks at grocery stores, Office workers, Data Entry, Engineering, Product development, Marketing & sales Content

The Four Possible Worlds Of Work In 2030 By PWC

Technology enables small businesses to access vast information, skills, and financing. HR functions will merge with outsourced services for people processes. Intense competition for talent, with high rewards for those with in-demand future skills.

Global corporations will grow larger, more powerful, and influential. Companies believe that size and influence safeguard their profit margins. High competition for top talent among these corporations.

Company will take cognizance of public reactoion to scarce natural resources, and strict international regulations It will push a strong ethical and ecological agenda.

Workers and companies will seek out greater meaning and relevance. Workers will find autonomy, flexibility, and fulfillment while working for organizations with strong ethical and social standards. The concept of fair pay will predominate in the future of work.

Skills for the Future

Higher cognitive skills: Advanced literacy and writing, critical thinking, quantitative analysis, and statistical skills.

Social and emotional skills: Advanced communication, empathy, adaptability, and the ability to learn continuously. Business development, programming, and counseling require these skills. These jobs are also among the best careers for the next ten years.

Technological skills: Everything from basic to advanced IT skills, data analysis, and engineering. These future skills are likely to be the most highly paid.

List of Jobs That Don't Exist Today, But Will Soon

  • Chief Productivity Officer
  • Excess Capacity Broker
  • Remote Drone Drivers and Pilots
  • Private Industry Air Traffic Control
  • Medical Mentor
  • Self-driving Car Mechanic
  • Autonomous Transportation Specialist
  • Cybersecurity Threat Specialist
  • Human-technology Integration Specialist
  • Virtual Reality Programmer

How Moonpreneur is helping students towards the future of work?

The World Economic Forum

identifies in-demand skills for the future Automation doesn't merely create or destroy jobs; it transforms them. AI/ML is projected to eliminate 85 million jobs and create 97 million new ones by 2025.

AI & Big Data


Creative Thinking


Resilience, Flexibility and Agility


Analytical Thinking


Leadership and Social Influence


Environmental Stewardship


Talent Management


Design and User Experience


Empathy and Active Listening


Curiosity and Lifelong Activity


What does the innovator program cover?

Our Innovator Program aligns with future demands, offering students training in essential futuristic skills such as AI/ML, Robotics, Big Data, and App development.

Our curriculum builds skills for the future

Technical Skills: Analytical thinking, logic & algorithm building, electronic components, coding, design thinking, and prototyping.

Power Skills: Creative thinking, Leadership, Talent Management, Design and User Experience, Empathy and active listening, Financial Literacy.

The Future of Work and Moonpreneur's Preparedness

Sania Jain 15 yrs

Shorya Malhotra 21 yrs
Creator of tamola game app!!

Varun 14 yrs

Rachel tejada 13 yrs
NRF Attention Reminder